How To Play

HideQuest is simple & fun! To get started, Enter your name and a name for your game. Select a Playing Field from the list to determine where you’re going to hide & seek.

Hit the “Submit” button to set up your game.

Once you hit submit, you’re taken to the main game play area. Here you can share your game with others to invite them to play. Click the link to copy and share it with your players.

Your players will be invited to provide their name, and click the “Join Game” button to hop into the game. Then, they can begin hiding immediately.

Once everyone is in, hit the “Everyone’s in, let’s start!” button to begin. If players are still hiding, you wont’ be able to see the playing field. Once they’ve all hidden, the playing field fades in, and it’s time to seek!

How to Hide

When it’s your turn to hide, click on some furniture or a rug, somewhere on the playing field to find a good hiding spot. You click on a pixel within that location to determine your exact spot. Then, a small mini game opens up. Keep your square inside of the moving square using your mouse or AWSD. The better you are at staying in the box, the better you are at hiding! Hide poorly, and you’ll be easier to find. Hide well, and your seeker has to find your exact pixel. Not so easy! Once you have hidden, you’re kicked back to the Game Play screen to wait to be found.

How to Seek

When everyone’s hidden, the playing field becomes visible. Then, you can click around on furniture, under tables, behind curtains and rugs. Click and see who you can find! When you’re getting closer, eerie music begins to play! When you’ve found someone, another music sting identifies that you’ve found them, and they’re marked “found” in the Player list.

After everyone is found, the round is over, and points are assigned. Points are subtracted each time you click, giving you a total seeker score. The points are tallied, and the next round begins!

Winning the Game

Every round, a player is selected to be the seeker, starting with the game owner in a “round robin” style. Once all players have completed a seeking round, the game is over! Whomever has the most points is the winner.

Start again with the same players, or start over entirely. It’s up to you!

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